5 Time Management Strategies for Graduate Student Success
5 Time Management Strategies for Graduate Student Success
Graduate students are faced with a myriad of responsibilities, from attending classes and completing assignments to juggling personal goals and family commitments. As a graduate student, it is essential to manage your time effectively in order to succeed and get the most out of your degree. It can be challenging to balance work and life with graduate school, but with these five strategies, you’ll be on your way to a successful academic journey.
5 Time Management Strategies for Graduate Student Success
It can be stressful to balance school with work and life responsibilities. Having effective time management can mean the difference between a successful academic career and burnout. From prioritizing tasks to minimizing distractions, from setting realistic goals to carving out time for self-care, this blog will help equip you with the strategies necessary to thrive in your graduate studies.
1. Understand your priorities
The first step in effective time management is understanding your priorities. As you embark on your graduate studies, you're stepping into a significant academic journey that promises expanded career opportunities and personal growth. However, this path often entails balancing familial and personal responsibilities alongside the pursuit of your degree and professional aspirations. It is important to know what you want to gain from graduate school so that you can utilize your time wisely and make the most of your academic journey.
Begin by taking some time to reflect on your academic and personal goals. What do you want to achieve during your time in grad school? You can create a 2-year plan where you sketch out a clear roadmap of steps to take to reach your goals. Once you have a clear understanding of your priorities, you can align your time and energy accordingly.
2. Set SMART goals
After you’ve gained a clearer understanding of your desired outcome for graduate school, you can begin to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely goals for yourself — SMART goals. SMART goals are a helpful approach to goal-setting as it provides a clear framework for defining objectives, tracking progress, and ensuring accountability. Break down your larger visions into smaller, manageable tasks and assign deadlines to each one. Framing each goal in this way will help you beat procrastination and lead you to make steady progress towards your goals.
Suppose your goal is to complete your thesis two weeks ahead of the deadline. A SMART goal might look like this: Complete my thesis by the end of March, including a comprehensive literature review, research methodology, and preliminary data collection plan by dedicating at least 10 hours a week towards writing and research so that I have more free time in April. This goal checks the SMART criteria as it specifies what you’ll be accomplishing by a certain deadline, quantifies the task in achievable steps, and includes a result relevant to you.
3. Create a schedule
Having a packed schedule is common for graduate students. With a full course load, personal commitments, family responsibilities, and part or full-time jobs, it's easy to end up cramming in a long, tiring study session a day before your exam. Creating an intentional daily schedule can help keep you stay organized and focused, which is essential for effective time management. Whether you decide to handwrite your notes in a notebook planner or use a digital tool like Google Calendar to block out your time, having a visual representation of your to-do list will help you stay on track and ensure that you don't double-book yourself.
Additionally, you’ll be more likely to complete tasks if you pencil it into your daily schedule. Have a project due in a few weeks? Block out a few hours a day to focus solely on your assignment. Setting up time to concentrate on one task at a time will allow you to avoid multitasking and procrastination, and it will lead you to work more efficiently with less stress. Creating a schedule should be specific to your needs, so tailor your schedule to fit your life and goals.
4. Minimize distractions
It is easy to get distracted while studying and completing assignments. While it is tempting to reach for your phone and scroll through images and videos, getting distracted can often lead to procrastination and decreased productivity. Minimizing and eliminating distractions is critical to every students’ productivity and time management.
The first step you should take to minimize distractions is to identify what you get distracted most by and find solutions to prevent it. If you find yourself spending too much time on social media, for example, try moving your phone out of sight while working. You can also try different focusing techniques and strategies to get your work done. For example, you can utilize the Pomodoro Technique, where you study for intervals of 25 minutes with five minute breaks in between. Another helpful tip if you find yourself procrastinating is to study for just two minutes only. You may find that you’ll end up studying for much longer just by getting started.
5. Practice self-care
Working hard on your course work and striving for that A is important for your success as a graduate student. But studying is just as important as taking time for yourself. In fact, prioritizing your physical and mental health means you’ll be more energized to focus on your studies. Make sure to include exercise, adequate sleep, healthy eating, and spending time with loved ones in your schedule. Neglecting self-care could be detrimental to your health and academic performance.
There are many ways you can indulge in self-care and engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Practicing mindfulness, going for a jog in the park, making time for fun and relaxing hobbies are just a few ways you can take care of yourself. Remember that maintaining a healthy balance between work, school, and personal care is essential for long-term success and well-being.
Be a successful graduate student with efficient time management
Attending graduate school while balancing all of your responsibilities can seem overwhelming at first glance. But as long as you manage your time effectively, your path towards a graduate degree will go smoothly and organized, even while balancing school, work, and life. By implementing strategies such as prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and practicing self-care, you can not only meet the demands of academia, but also nurture your well-being along the way. At NJIT, you’ll have the support you need to thrive in your program of choice. Apply to NJIT today to earn your degree at a top STEM university!